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One of the most important services we offer is the ready availability of qualified, experienced individuals to assist you.
Our staff stands ready to provide personal, directed, and prompt replies to your inquiries at (440) 572-2277, fax: (440) 572-2278, and the e-mail addresses listed below.
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Robert R. Cavano (1923 - 2011)
Bob joined The L.A. Lux Company in 1951, founded Scranton Associates, Inc. in 1989, and has published many articles on phosphonates, volatile amines, polymers, and oxygen scavengers, including the AWT Raw Materials Specification Manual. He was designated the Water Technologist of the Year by the AWT in 1992.

Lee Cavano (Retired 2022) Lee joined Lux in 1982 and Scranton Associates in 1994. Lee retired in November 2022.

Jill Cavano - President/CEO, Extension 15, e-mail:
She performs executive management functions and purchasing. Jill can help answer any technical questions you may have. Connect with Jill to discuss our manufacturing capabilities and what Scranton Associates can do for you.

Bob Rovtar - Chemist, Extension 10, e-mail:
He focuses on Regulatory Compliance, SDS/label preparation, and technical questions. Connect with Bob on your Regulatory and technical questions. 

Matt Pecnik - Extension 11, e-mail:
He schedules production and provides price quotes. Connect with Matt for pricing and the timing of your order.

Pam Buchanan - Extension 14, e-mail:
She performs all bookkeeping functions. Connect with Pam to check on an unpaid invoice or to say that your check is in the mail.

Patti Tiedjen - Extension 16, e-mail:
She receives orders and prepares shipping papers and labels. To place an order by e-mail, use Connect with Patti to be sure your order has been received and is being processed, for address changes, reports of delivery delays and freight rates.
Our manufacturing crew is experienced, fully trained and well supervised. All of our production employees are experienced in chemical handling. Regular training sessions are held to ensure that they are up to date on OSHA, EPA, and DOT requirements. Please don’t contact them directly, since they are usually working.
Copyright © 2022 Scranton Associates

17647 Foltz Industrial Parkway, Strongsville, Ohio  44149

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